A Letter from UMAF President, Arwen Duffy

Welcome to the inaugural issue of the UMass Amherst Foundation’s (UMAF) newsletter, Flagship Focus. The newsletter will deliver curated stories about the numerous ways in which alumni and friends—those we appreciatively refer to as “ambassadors”—are advancing UMass Amherst. As ambassadors, you participate in a wide range of activities, from mentoring students to volunteering with alumni networks and investing in top campus priorities. And you are at the heart of maintaining access to and the overall value of a UMass education. We are honored to recognize and celebrate your achievements in this way.

As a trusted partner of the university and the UMass Amherst Alumni Association, the UMass Amherst Foundation has now taken primary responsibility for providing meaningful engagement and volunteer opportunities for alumni and friends in addition to its critical fundraising work. Our team is comprised of passionate and caring advancement professionals, many of whom are alumni and have dedicated their careers to serving UMass. We want to continue connecting you, our dedicated ambassadors, to your interests here on campus in order to build on the university’s success and foster a vibrant, supportive UMass community.

We hope this newsletter will be an avenue for you to learn more about the remarkable impact ambassador involvement has on UMass Amherst’s students and faculty. Please contact us if you have questions or ideas for the future of this newsletter.

All the best,

Arwen Duffy
President, UMass Amherst Foundation

Headshot of Arwen Duffy

Arwen Duffy
President, UMass Amherst Foundation

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